I bought my first SLR camera in early 70's. It was a Canon FTB. I later moved up to the semi-professional A1 with a motor drive and added a number of telephoto, wide angle and macro lenses. These were film cameras and I still have a mess of old photos and negatives in a box. Eventually I moved into the world of the digital SLR, first with the entry level Canon Digital Rebel, then a Canon 30D followed. After that, I stepped up to the world of the full frame DSLR, Canon 5D Mark II and bought a Canon 50D as a back up. I loved the 5D II so much, I picked up a second one up so I didn’t need to change lenses in the field. More recently I purchased a Canon 5D Mark IV. This is a wonderful camera.

My pride and joy is my Canon 70 - 200 f2.8 zoom, lightning fast but heavy as hell. My every-day lens is a 24 - 70, F 2.8. Check the list for the other lenses in my bag.

Accessories include the usual tripods & unipods as well as a few remote releases, polarizing & neutral density filters and all the stuff that goes along with the digital world of photography. Adobe Photoshop CC is my main editing program, along with a number of NIK and Aurora filter programs. As a result, I shoot most of my photography in RAW format, allowing for more creativity in the digital darkroom.

As you can see from the photo albums available, I have a number of areas of interest. Photography is my serious hobby. By profession, I was a chiropractor for 45 years, with an added certification in Animal Chiropractic. Most of my life was spent living in Etobicoke but my wife, Pat, and I moved to the Alliston area in the Summer of 2024

If you have any questions or comments about me or my photography, go to the "Contact Us" page. 




Canon 5D Mark IV with full frame sensor, Canon 5D Mark II (2) with full frame sensor, Canon 50D, with APS-C CMOS sensor (1.6 conversion factor)

Canon 5D Battery Pack

Canon 24 to 70mm f2.8, L-series, Image Stabilized

Canon 24 - 105 mm f4.0, L-series, Image Stabilized

Canon 70 - 200 mm f2.8, L-series, Image Stabilized

Canon 100 mm USM f2.8 Macro AF

Canon 17 - 40 mm USM f4.0,  EF

Canon 400 mm USM f5.6

Canon 50 mm f 1.8 II EF

Rokinon 12 mm f 1.8 Fisheye lens, all manual

Canon 1.4 Extender

Canon Flashes, AF 420 & 480 EX

Gary Fong Lightsphere

Sto-Fen Omni OM-EX Flash Defuser

Canon Infrared Remote Trigger

SMCV, RFN-4 Infrared Remote Trigger

Circular Polarizing Filter

Fader Neutral Density Filter, Variable 1 - 8 stops

Manfrotto Tripod, 055XPROB, with Manfrotto 804RC2 HEAD (very sturdy)

Velbond EX-440 Tripod (travel)

Velbon HT100 Tripod

Ultra Light WeightTravel Tripod (for flying, maybe not anymore)

Manfrotto 76YB Monopod, with Ball head

TOBU Single Axel Hot Shoe Level

Assorted home-made reflectors & backgrounds

Adobe Photoshop CC

Adobe Bridge

Adobe Lightroom CC

DxO/Nik Software & Filters

Aurora HDR Filters

Canon Pro 100 Printer

Lots of batteries & microfiber cloths and an assortment of camera bags! (but then, who doesn’t?)