Canon 5D Mark IV with full frame sensor, Canon 5D Mark II (2) with full frame sensor, Canon 50D, with APS-C CMOS sensor (1.6 conversion factor)
Canon 5D Battery Pack
Canon 24 to 70mm f2.8, L-series, Image Stabilized
Canon 24 - 105 mm f4.0, L-series, Image Stabilized
Canon 70 - 200 mm f2.8, L-series, Image Stabilized
Canon 100 mm USM f2.8 Macro AF
Canon 17 - 40 mm USM f4.0, EF
Canon 400 mm USM f5.6
Canon 50 mm f 1.8 II EF
Rokinon 12 mm f 1.8 Fisheye lens, all manual
Canon 1.4 Extender
Canon Flashes, AF 420 & 480 EX
Gary Fong Lightsphere
Sto-Fen Omni OM-EX Flash Defuser
Canon Infrared Remote Trigger
SMCV, RFN-4 Infrared Remote Trigger
Circular Polarizing Filter
Fader Neutral Density Filter, Variable 1 - 8 stops
Manfrotto Tripod, 055XPROB, with Manfrotto 804RC2 HEAD (very sturdy)
Velbond EX-440 Tripod (travel)
Velbon HT100 Tripod
Ultra Light WeightTravel Tripod (for flying, maybe not anymore)
Manfrotto 76YB Monopod, with Ball head
TOBU Single Axel Hot Shoe Level
Assorted home-made reflectors & backgrounds
Adobe Photoshop CC
Adobe Bridge
Adobe Lightroom CC
DxO/Nik Software & Filters
Aurora HDR Filters
Canon Pro 100 Printer
Lots of batteries & microfiber cloths and an assortment of camera bags! (but then, who doesn’t?)